Take a look through our information guidelines to assist you in obtaining answers to some of your many questions. We have made available our general post-operative surgical instructions so that you can plan ahead and see what to expect following surgery. You can also download these for your convenience.
130eye in Townsville on
07 4779 8008
if you have any further questions.
Once you have decided to have surgery, our clinical team will provide you with information on your eye operation details, estimated costs of your surgery and any out-of-pocket expenses. The estimated cost is not a quotation but only an approximation as hospital/day surgery charges, Medicare and health fund rebates are subject to changes.
There will be separate costs for the Anaesthetist and hospital fees. Please check with your health fund regarding the level of your cover and the level of health fund rebate payable to you for the treatment, particularly for hospital/day surgery fees.
Our team can also advise you regarding fasting times prior to surgery, transport and the process of the surgical procedure. It is important that you have an accompanying person with you on the day of your surgery, and this is also a protocol and requirement of the North Queensland Day Surgical Centre.
If you are on any blood-thinning agents, it is important that you advise us beforehand so we can provide you with pre-operative instructions as to whether to cease these medications. You should also mention any natural remedies you may be using, such as garlic and fish oil.
When you have decided that you wish to proceed with having an operation, we will provide you with a complete Informed Financial Consent. The estimated cost is not a quotation, but only an approximation, as hospital charges, Medicare and health fund rebates are subject to changes.
Your Informed Financial Consent will outline your surgical fee costs and your rebates from Medicare and Health Fund rebates if you are insured. Your out-of-pocket expenses may vary due to the cover that particular health funds offer and your level of membership. You will be given all of this information and be required to sign it before Dr Glastonbury proceeds with surgery.
We also offer options to uninsured patients, so if this applies to you, please ask our staff, and they will kindly provide you with the information you require.
For post operative care for cataract surgery and pterygium surgery, please follow the link below:
Please leave your patch on following surgery until we remove it the next morning at your dressing appointment.
You will have been prescribed some antibiotic ointment to use on your suture line/wound. Please bring this with you to your dressing appointment.
A referral from a GP or Optometrist will remain current for 12 months. A referral from a medical specialist is only current for three months. If you are unsure of whether your referral is current, please call our rooms, and we will be happy to advise you of the relevant details. It is your responsibility to ensure that your referral is current; we do not monitor this for each individual patient.
A referral is a Medicare requirement that will enable you to claim your Medicare rebate for your consultation. Without a current referral, you will not get a rebate from Medicare.
We recommend that you allow 1 – 1.5 hours for the entire consultation to take place. Occasionally, your appointment may take longer if, for example, your eyes are taking longer to dilate, you need to have additional unplanned tests, or we have had to attend emergency appointments.
If you are having your pupils dilated for the examination with Dr Glastonbury, yes, you will need a driver. If you are unsure of whether your pupils will be dilated, you are welcome to call our rooms and ask our helpful staff, who, in most cases, will be able to give you an indication of whether a driver is necessary.
Dilating drops work differently on each individual but generally speaking, the drops we routinely use to dilate your eyes will leave your pupils dilated for 2-3 hours after instillation.
This will largely depend on your health insurer and the level of cover you have. You can check surgery pricing with our staff, and we can provide you with an informed financial consent explaining all the costs involved with your procedure.
Your health fund will only cover surgery that has been carried out in a hospital or a day surgery facility. Health funds do not cover consultation fees carried out in private rooms. Medicare covers part of these fees.
No, we are not a bulk billing facility. We do have pensioner and health care card concessions.
Dr Glastonbury is a specialist consultant, and our appointments are booked in advance into scheduled appointment slots. We also have emergency appointments that we may need to accommodate. If you have concerns regarding your condition, please call our practice, and you can speak with our nursing staff, who will triage your problem or advise you of alternative options.
Medicare is no longer issuing cheques to patients for their rebates. You will need to have provided your bank details to Medicare (now situated with Centrelink), and they will deposit the rebate into your bank account. If you discover that this rebate has not been deposited into your account, please give us a quick call to see if there is anything we can help you with, but otherwise, it may be necessary for you to speak with Medicare staff.
If you have problems with mobility, hearing, cognitive decline or have language limitations, then yes, you should have a relative or friend attend with you.
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